Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New Years Eve

It was a good thing that we had such a cozy Airbnb - since we spent a lot of time there! 

The big dining table had room for our little puzzles:

We also took lots of walks. These pictures are in color - even though they look black and white. 

The hot tub was amazing - even on really cold days. To use it, we had to re-route the hot water coming to the cabin from the floor heat (also lovely) to the hot tub. We also had to run across the snow and ice covered deck. But it was worth it. 

One of our greatest frustrations with most holiday homes is the lack of regular recycling. This community was better than home: glass, paper, beverage containers, compostable, and finally, trash. 

The whole trip, we'd been hoping for Northern Lights. After all - we were so far north that there was only four hours of daylight. But at first, the weather was really cloudy. Then the solar activity was low. Then cloudy again. Finally - the last night - we got this amazing show. Some of these were from the windows - some from our driveway. A New Years Eve to remember!

The last morning, we took the long way around to get back to the airport. My car stopped at Þorlákshöfn to see the ocean, some hearty surfers, and and this lovely ship. 

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