Sunday, December 29, 2024

Gulfoss and Geysir

Three sights make up the Golden Circle in Iceland: Gulfoss, Geysir and Thingveiller. Many, many tourists visit these three - even in winter. After consulting the weather forecast and road conditions, we decided on a day, and all six of us piled in to the two cars and the one hour drive to Gulfoss. 

Lots of other people had decided to visit Gulfoss that day - despite the subzero windchill temps, but there is plenty of space and free parking. 

Pictures just don't do justice to the magnificent views of this huge waterfall. It was amazing. 

It looks like sunset - but it was around noon. The sun just always hovers near the horizon this time of year. 

It was chilly but we were well bundled. 

On the way back, most of the group stopped at Geysir to see - the geysers! 

Toby and Adam skipped Geysir because Adam doesn't do well with sulfur smells. We had a lovely time exploring our way home. This "little" waterfall, Faxifoss, was just off the road. What a find!

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